Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Wednesday - Talk Like A Pirate Day

Jim was running around work talking like a pirate all day. I finally had to tell him he is way too conservative and way too republican to ever be a pirate, but I admired his attitude. I worked 1 hour overtime today. One more hour to go this week to fulfill the promise of 3 hours. Long way from the 8 I had planned.

When I got home M had done the dishes. Such luxury! I made tacos for dinner.

Testing and Weight: Test this morning was normal and weight was back down to 13.

TV Watching: I watched the Big Brother finale and watched Dick win it all. We watched Oprah because Reba was on it. She looks so great at 52! Watched the second to the last episode of Saving Grace. I'm hoping they renew the series. It is so great. But it seems if I really like a show it either gets cancelled or non-renewed.

I didn't make it to Best Buy like I had planned. Maybe tomorrow. M has changed his mind about going out for dinner for his birthday. He would rather do I steak dinner here at home. I said whatever he wants to do is fine with me.

We did make a plan to make our backyard into a bird feeding sanctuary this winter. I'm going to put up feeders and shelters everywhere for the little birds. Need to keep my eye open for sales on all that stuff.

Since it is Talk Like a Pirate Day.... (I will always think of the people who invented this special day when they were on that show Wife Swap) my favorite pirate song is by my favorite pirate Jimmy Buffett:

Mother, mother ocean, I have heard you call
Wanted to sail upon your waters since I was three feet tall
You've seen it all, you've seen it all

Watched the men who rode you switch from sails to steam
And in your belly you hold the treasures few have ever seen
Most of 'em dream, most of 'em dream

Yes I am a pirate, two hundred years too late
The cannons don't thunder, there's nothin' to plunder
I'm an over-forty victim of fate
Arriving too late, arriving too late

I've done a bit of smugglin', I've run my share of grass
I made enough money to buy Miami, but I pissed it away so fast
Never meant to last, never meant to last

And I have been drunk now for over two weeks
I passed out and I rallied and I sprung a few leaks
But I got stop wishin', got to go fishin'
Down to rock bottom again
Just a few friends, just a few friends

Pirate Looks at Forty, by Jimmy Buffett

ps: C&R &JTD - M wants to know more about the hot spot and do you really know Dean and Theresa?

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