Tuesday, July 31, 2007


It was a long day and the full moon crazies that I didn't talk to yesterday all called in today. I talked to some nice people but most were unhappy, ignorant, just plain mean people today. One bright spot was when I got the email from our scheduler, Jan, who said someone had cancelled their day off tomorrow and I was on the alternate list and would I like tomorrow off? Hell Yes!!

Only in the eighties today, but hotter temps for tomorrow. There are fires all around us. Fire season came early this year.

Mail Call: Lowes bill, a political ad, magazine subscription renewal notice, coupons galore and some junk mail.

TV Watching: I watched Big Love that I had DVR'd. It is so good this season. I can't wait till next week's episode. I didn't really see anything I wanted to DVR that is on tv tonight.

Testing: A little high this morning but down to 99 this afternoon. Right where I want to be. I lost 1 lb to 12.

When M got home it was to warm to cook so we took the coupon for The Old Country Buffet and went there for dinner. They were advertising steak and shrimp night. The ad looked tempting but it turned out to be pretty bad. The salad bar looked okay. I had some fruit and some veggies. The shrimp was okay too. But the steak looked like it had been cooked this morning and was laying on a cutting board all hard, cold and over cooked. Not what I had thought it was going to be like. I had 2 chicken legs and a handful of shrimp. No dessert, of course. I think we will cross this place off our list. The choice was between there or Jose's, we should have picked Jose's.

I am looking forward to my day off tomorrow. My new computer is in Spokane and is supposed to be delivered by 4:00 tomorrow. We called Federal Express to see if we could pick it up, but it was already loaded on a truck for tomorrow's delivery. Bummer.

Monday, July 30, 2007


Drove to work this morning with the sun roof open under a big bright full moon. It is so nice in the mornings. Another busy Monday. Surprisingly for a full moon no crazy callers, just a lot of normal calls asking the same old things. Time zips by when it is busy. When I got off work the weather was nice and mild with a nice breeze. A nice change from the sizzling afternoons we have been having lately.

I was sitting on the deck relaxing and reading my Country Living magazine when I caught 2 little rat-bastard no goods from the neighborhood tipping over all the garbage cans in the alley, including ours. When they saw that I saw them they took off running. The one even had the nerve to ask for a drink of water after he tipped my can. I guess thinking I didn't know he did that. It really ticked me off. I found out their names and where they live from the neighborhood watch person, Linda. She lives on a street behind mine. She says they are constantly causing trouble. I called Crime Check and made a malicious mischief report. I'm sure that will be a waste of time. I will pursue this.

I talked with DK on the phone today. He is doing good. His step brother has moved in with him. I am going to send him some Gold Toe socks from JC Penneys this month. I talked with BJ also. We will be sending her and Jacob something also this month.

Testing: More like normal numbers today. Weight only went up 1 lb to 13. Not bad for after the weekend.

Mail Call: Catalogs from Lane Bryant, Lillian Vernon and Oriental Trading Company (beads), Sandy, our real estate hero's magazine and an offer from Creative Home magazine.

We had leftover enchiladas for dinner. Why are dinners like this better the next day? I paid the mortgage payment, which is always a good feeling. The rest of the bills will get paid on Friday.

TV Watching: I watched Guys Big Bite and Simply Delicioso that I had DVR'd. Both were very good. Last night we watched "Rock of Love" the reality show starring Bret Michaels from the rock band Poison. I would normally know nothing about him, except he was the cover story on my Diabetes Forecast magazine this month. The show was pretty funny. Lots of catty-trashy women all trying to win the affections of this guy. Tonight I will DVR one of my favorite HBO series Big Love.

My new desktop computer will be here on Wednesday.....exciting!

Sunday, July 29, 2007


I love the weekend! Sleep when you want, wake when you want, do what ever your heart desires.

Friday night we went to Chili's for dinner. I had the buffalo chicken fajitas. The food was yummy and the service was good and it was also nice to get out and about.

The weather here has been hot. Up in the 90's. At least we do not have the humidity. Tom Sherry said the humidilty was ony 13% yesterday.

We had the folks over for dinner yesterday. We bbq'd teriyaki skirt steak. I used my rice cooker for the first time and it was amazing how easy it was. The rice came out perfect. I also made won tons. I am going to add this to my personal cookbook I am creating. Which is one of my goals on 43things.com Finished the meal with a White Box Pie. They have opened an outlet on Weselley and Monroe here in town.

Mail Call: Ray's bill for the lawncare, Letter from MetLife regarding the results from the inspection report, Diabetes Forecast magazine and other assorted junk mail.

TV Watching: I didn't watch much tv yesterday. We were busy cleaning the house. I did watch a couple of shows on Food Network and one episode of Clean Sweep. I DVR's Guy's Big Bite and the new latin themed show Simply Delicioso. I checked in on my favorite Big Brother Spoiler Site and saw that Jameka has one the Power of Veto. I am hoping she does not use it on Jen. Jen needs to go.

Testing & Weight: My testing has been on the high side. As for weight last night I had gained 3 lbs to 14 but by this morning down to 12. The pie, even though it was sugar free, did not help, I am sure. But it was so tasty. I found a new site that was listed on someone's 43 things that I am going to check out: caloriecount.net I need to start excercising on a more regular basis and start going to the gym that I am paying for.

Not much planned for today. I have lots of laundry to do. I am going to make enchiladas for dinner. I did read the operating manual for my new sewing machine yesterday. Maybe today I will learn to thread it and fill a bobin. I have a couple of movies DVR'd that I may try to watch one of them.

See you tomorrow.