Saturday, September 1, 2007


M went to work with Chris all day today. I took the truck to the emissions place and the truck passed. Then I went and paid for this year's tabs.

Came home and did some laundry and cleaned house a little. Went to Safeway to get a few things. A very nice relaxing day.

Testing: My test was real low for me this morning. Down to 112. I forgot to weigh.

Mail Call: I got an offer for free tights. A Roaman's catalog and a Terry's Village catalog. I also got the EOB that McKenna's bill was paid. Bill from Ray and a bill from Banner Fuel.

TV Watching: I watched episodes of Psych and Wife Swap (the one with the Pirate family) Why do people put themselves through this?

I made baked chicken with a balsamic & honey glaze with scalloped potatoes and green beans for dinner. It is a beautiful night. We plan on soaking in the hot tub this evening under the stars.

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