Saturday, September 22, 2007

Saturday - M's Birthday

Today is M's birthday. He hit the big 60. Nothing major planned except for dinner tonight. We started the day off taking the dogs to the groomer. The owner of the shop, who we both do not care for, is gone for a couple of weeks because she is having surgery. It was nice that I could talk to Karen without the owner there commenting on everything we talk about. And she thinks she knows it all. Karen says she tends to runs off most of the customers. So I think Karen is enjoying her not being there also.

From there we tried the coffee stand across the street, Nevada Brew Street. I had a sugar free Mounds Mocha. We drove over to our favorite part of town, Corbin Park to see if any of trees are starting to turn. Just a few are barely showing signs of color. Give it about 2 weeks and they will be ablaze with color. From there we drove out to where Keytronics is and turned around and came back via Bigelow Gulch. It was such a lovely fall day. When we got back into town we went to Office Depot. They were having a $1.00 sale. I got alot of little stuff and I bought the game Bejeweled 2. I love this game. They did not have the ink cartridge M needed for his printer so we ventured on to Staples. He found the ones he was looking for there. By then the dogs were ready to pick up.

We went next door and had homemade beef vegetable soup at M's mom's house. Came back and watched the movie Waterboy on Stars. Spent most of the afternoon watching that and playing Bejeweled.

We went to Rancho Chico for M's birthday with the folks. It is always good there. He was a good sport when lil' Jose plunked the sombrero on his head and all the staff sang Happy Birthday in Spanish and then in English. I'm taking the picture to work to add to my desk collection of pictures. The picture below is not Rancho Chico, but I love all the wall colors and the pretty table cloths.

I am very full now and I think we are both done for the night.

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