Sunday, September 2, 2007


We both woke up and decided to go for coffee at Milliways. To our suprise our favorite barista, Lori, who quit some time back has returned. Only on Sundays and Mondays. But it was great seeing her and my sugar-free mocha was perfect. From there we went to McDonalds and got M an egg mcmuffin and then to the car wash to get the bird poo washed off Jiffy. It was such a beautiful day we decided to take a drive. He asked what direction and I said East.

We headed east to Idaho, driving through Rathdrum, Silver Lake and Oldtown. Since we were in Idaho I bought a Powerball ticket when we stopped for gas. 29 million for the next drawing. When we got to Newport we turned back and drove down Hwy 2 back to Spokane. Stopped at the Humble Earth Farmers Market that was set up in front of the feed store. I bought some really pretty chili peppers to make pico de gallo this week.

We did accomplish cleaning out the office closet. Lots of my craft supplies was in there and all my files of stuff I have collected off the internet. Plus I found my family genology papers. I was so happy those were not lost.

This afternoon we ate dinner early. We BBQ'd steaks and had the usual trimmings. Watched tv and played Bookworm on my upstairs computer until Big Brother came on. After seeing Jessica and Jameka be put on the block I watched Rock of Love and watched Bret send Sam out the door. I cannot believe Lacey is still in this thing. She is downright evil.

It was a great day and I am so happy I do not have to go to work tomorrow. Seems funny to stay up so late on a Sunday night. It's 10:30 and usually I am long gone by this time.

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