Tuesday, October 16, 2007


It was boss's day. I signed the card at Nancy's desk and donated to the gift. Again I did not feel like working overtime. One of these days they are going to ask me why I haven't been doing the manadatory 3 hours.

I went to Safeway after work and did my weekly shopping and picked up my prescriptions.

Mail Call: I got the cookbook I requested from Taste of Home. Very cool. It's a nice $20 book for only $3.00.

TV Watching:I watched the reality show Better Half. I hate the host of the show. She is loud and obnoxious and trys to hard to create drama that is not there. I will probably not go out of my way to watch it again.

M worked down at the shop all day. Here's an interesting dinner: bowl of Cheerios with a banana and an orange on the side.

Watched the Larry Craig interview. He sure rehearsed what he was going to say. I say if you were innocent you would have never pleaded guilty. I think if he said he was going to resign, he should just do it. Speaking of politics, I got my first campaign call for the mayor race. The call was from a volunteer that was calling for the gal I am voting for. We have not received our ballot yet. Hopefully it will be here soon.

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