Saturday, October 13, 2007


It is grooming day for the dogs. Left them off and then thought we would go to the flea market. Stopped for coffee at Dutch Brothers. Stopped at Safeway to get cash and bought some Halloween cards. I am going to send them to friends that I seemed to have lost touch with. I am going to send an invite to each one to meet for lunch or dinner, movie or bingo, shopping or something. At least they will know that I am thinking of them. We found the flea market is no longer happening for the year. So we decided to go on our usual Saturday drive. We drove over where M will be working. Then from there we drove around a historic district called Brown's Addition. This little area of our city is full of victorian styled houses and apartment buildings, with small restaurants mixed in. There is a nice park in the center of the district. We once wanted to live here, but, decided on a different part of town instead because at the time we had a convertible and there is very little off street parking. I did not want to park that car on the street. We also drove out to Airway Heights. They are building a new Walmart supercenter out there. It is really growing.

In the afternoon after we picked up the pups I went to the library and returned the book I finished and other materials I had checked out. I got a Mary Higgins Clark novel and a couple of cookbooks and craft books. I also went to Walmart and got dog food and the stuff I needed to make dinner. When I got home Gordon stopped by for a visit.

I made tamale pie for dinner. It was good and quite filling. Tonight we are just going to kick back and enjoy being home together.

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