Tuesday, October 9, 2007


It was like the the last gasp of summer today. I think the high reached 76 degrees. The weather folk are predicting cooler temps and rain for tomorrow. But it sure was beautiful today. A day to remember when the days get icy and dreary.

Made tacos for dinner when I got home. We watched an episode of Vegas. Now that Tom Selleck is on the show it's worth watching. I love all his movies. Monte Walsh and Quigley Down Under are a few of his movies I could watch over and over. I think Sam Elliot and Tom Selleck and of course Robert Duvall are my favorite actors.

I seeded all the jalepeno peppers for the poppers. I still need to stuff them with the cream cheese and then wrap them with bacon. I will bake them in the morning before I go to work.

Not much else is going on here at the Spotted Moose Cafe.

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