Monday, October 15, 2007


M's mom had a heart attack this morning. She had been suffering off and on all weekend with chest pains and other symptoms. I am not sure why they did not go to the doctor sooner, like when she first had the pains in her chest. They cleared a blockage and did some other things. Thank heavens she is going to be okay. She will be in the hospital until Wednesday.

They took out 3 weeks of health insurance premiums out of my paycheck, but then they paid me my referral bonus for referring Lori so it was a wash. I will keep M on my insurance until he gets his own in 90 days.

I came straight home from work. Cleaned the kitchen and then made steak & bake for dinner. We watched Oprah because Jerry Seinfeld was on promoting his new movie Bee.

This was the last nice weather day of the week. Rain coming in overnight and will rain off and on the rest of the week. I need to plant the bulbs before a freeze happens. So by this weekend I hope to have them all planted.

Mail Call Lots of bills today. I did receive the latest Celtic Women cd from the music club and some free pair of tights that I sent away for.

I am so tired. I got up way too early this morning.

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