Saturday, September 29, 2007


Slept in this morning. What a treat! I even walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes while I watched the finale of Hells Kitchen that I had DVR'd. We headed out for a drive. Stopped for coffee at Hold Your Grounds on Ash & Boone. I ordered a sugar free hazelnut mocha. It was so good. Their punch card is actually an electronic card, a very inventive idea. More stands should go to that kind of system. From there we stopped at mcDonalds for a biscuit breakfast. It's right across from this slum apartment building. We watched a dope deal go down. They thought they were so slick. If they only knew how obvious they looked.

We decided to drive out to Liberty Lake. It was a nice cool crisp fall day. I was amazed to see how many companies are still out there. We drove by our old rental. Looked the same but maybe a little worse for wear. We thought we might go to Cabellas, but they have not opened yet. We took the long way home down Trent. Stopped at Albertson's.

Came home and played on the computer for awhile. Decided to go to Safeway and talk to the pharmacist. Hooray, Kellie the pharmacist found my benefits online and I was able to order all our prescriptions. I will pick them up tomorrow. She made it so easy.

Made hamburgers for dinner.

Mail Call: JC Penney's sent me a coupon for $15 for my birthday. I need new pillows so that will come in handy. My Diabetic Forecast magazine also came today. They featured one of the American Idol hopefuls on the front cover this month.

Looking forward to day 2 of my vacation.

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