Monday, September 17, 2007


This was the Monday from hell. It started out okay but progressively got worse as the day went by. It seemed like every call was long and involved, or the callers would be so scattered that you had to explain something over and over. I only worked 1 hour overtime. That was all I could take. Maybe I will try for 2 hours tomorrow. Charisma quit today, like we all knew she would. We all knew she took the job so she could have benefits to have the baby with. It's sad because she kept someone who might have really wanted the job from getting it.

M has a second interview at Keytronics tomorrow. When I got home he already had the meatloaf that I made last night in the oven. We had that and baked potatoes for dinner.

Testing & Weight: Testing in the normal range. Weight was at 12 most of the weekend but when I weighed this morning it was 15.

Mail Call: Bills and bills. Never seems to be an end to those.

TV Watching: We watched Oprah because Dr. Oz was on today. We need more fiber and more fruits and vegetables in our daily diet.

I'm pretty tired to tonight so it looks like it will be an early evening.

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