The butterfly is a flying flower,
The flower a tethered butterfly.
*Ponce Denis Ecouchard Lebrun
It was another busy day. The calls were fine till about the last hour, then they just got stupid. If you are calling about a claim don't you think you should have at least the doctor's name, or maybe the date you saw the dentist, or maybe even the amount of the charges you are calling about. Anyway, I survived. I had my 6 month review with my supervisor, Holly. It lasted only 10 minutes and she said everything was going great.
The weather was a little warmer today than yesterday, but, not by much. Tomorrow is going to be close to perfect. M has the day off and is going down to Chris' shop to work on their computers.
Testing & Weight: Testing was high this morning but it was a more normal low this afternoon. Weight was at 12 but when I got home this afternoon it had dropped back down to 11.
Mail Call: A Shopko advertising flyer and 2 envelopes of junk mail to be shredded. I did get an email from Paperback Swap that they are shipping a book I had requested. And my monthly selection from is on its way.
TV Watching: I got caught up watching the Big Brother episodes I had DVR'd. I am already for tonight's eviction episode. I guess Eric will remain safe. I think Big Brother really worked their magic in the diary room and convinced Amber and others to save Eric (America's Choice). I also have quite a few movies recorded. Maybe this weekend I will watch a few.
We had BLT's for dinner tonight. Needed to use up the tomatoes and lettuce before they went south.
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever. ~Carl Sagan
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