Thursday, August 2, 2007


Back to work today after the glorious vacation day yesterday. It started off slow but got steadily busy as the day progressed. Jim brought me a whole grocery bag of hollyhock seed heads. I am going to plant these next Spring all around the house. He said he will bring me more too. Kendra came back to work today after being off on disability for about 6 months. It was nice to see her. She has alot of catch up to do to get back up to speed. I found out our trainer Kim is on disability now. Need to send her a card. I looked at my quality scores today which were not too bad and I got an email from Holly, my team lead, that invited me to my 6 month review next week. Oh joy.

I didn't win the Lotto for 8 million, so I guess I will continue to work. Next chance is Saturday night for a chance at 8.2 million.

Testing and Weight: Normal ranges today. Weight went to 11. It figured after eating that big steak dinner the night before.

Mail Call: Political ads from two candidates running for mayor, my voting ballot and 2 bills. The monthly bill from Banner Fuel and the other from Healthcare Associates for the imaging I had done.

I have not made up my mind who am going to vote for mayor yet. I was going to vote for the current mayor, but he is campaigning to cut down all the aged trees around my favorite historic part of town just so the new garbage trucks can drive through without hitting the limbs. I say use the old trucks that fit those streets and under the trees and leave the trees and neighborhood alone. So he sort of lost my vote. I do not like any of the incumbents running for city council or council president, so maybe I will vote for a newcomer that no one has ever heard of.

I made steak, egg and cheese biscuits with the leftover steak for an early dinner this afternoon. The weather really got hot again today. Close to 100 degrees. But it supposed to cool down to the eighties this weekend. They have pushed the prediction of rain off until next Wednesday.

Tomorrow is Friday and it's M's payday. It's going to be a good day. My new computer is awesome. Started adding my favorite booksmarks to my list of favorites.

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