Saturday, October 20, 2007


This week is Practical. I picked this photo of a statue that overlooks Wall Street. Practical to me would be having investments and a savings plan.

Started out the morning doing laundry and cleaning the kitchen. After showers and getting dressed we went to The Crossroads for breakfast. You always get a good breakfast there. We tried it one time for dinner and it was totally awful. But it is consistently good for breakfast. We sat at our favorite table in the back that overlooks Sharp Shooting, the indoor gun range and gun shop where I bought my glock and where we sometimes go and shoot.

We then drove around a little and went to Walmart. We bought basic things we needed and a new pillow for M.

Came home for a bit before venturing to the quilt festival. So many beautful quilts to see. M left me there to wander while he went to get his hair cut. I visited all the vendors and wanted to buy everything. I did buy a book I've been wanting called Darling Little Dogs by Darcy Ashton.

I also bought a quilt pattern that had a heart design edging that I fell in love with, 2 fat squares (one of bluebirds and one of dogs) and a fabric panel of dog sayings. The harp musician Bronn Journey was there just as he was in years past. This year I bought his cd Celtic Garden.

I had a wonderful time and am looking forward to going again next year.

We stopped for mochas at Dutch Brothers on Ruby on our way home. When we got home I looked through the newspaper, that I picked up at the festival, The Country Register looking at all the ads and visiting a few of the websites. We started to get hungry so we decided on the new Kentucky Fried Chicken on Nortwest Blvd. It was okay but they messed up our order.

18 days till Halloween...

1 comment:

-tnchick- said...

that photo with the flag showing is beautiful =)